
Get to know Line from the World Playground Research Team

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With a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy, and after working in various fields for ten years, Line Madsen wanted to dive deeper into the factors influencing people’s behavior. For this reason, she pursued a master’s degree in Sports Science and Health at the University of Southern Denmark, where she developed an interest in physical activity behavior among adolescents.

Working as a PhD student at the World Playground Research Institute, Line continues to explore physical activity among adolescents in the international EU project called YoPa – the Youth-centred Participatory Action project.  

Current Work

The YoPa project is an initiative that addresses issues of physical inactivity and health disparities among teenagers aged 12 to 18 in vulnerable situations. It aims to implement and evaluate systemic interventions tailored to meet the specific needs and contexts of local communities in four cities: Aalborg (Denmark), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Osogbo (Nigeria), and Soweto (South Africa).

The objective of Line’s PhD study is to evaluate the YoPA project in Denmark, specifically covering the co-creation process, implementation, and intervention effects. 

But what is co-creation?  

Co-creation is a collaborative process in which individuals or groups work together to create solutions, products, or services, with active involvement and contribution from relevant stakeholders at various development stages.

Regarding Line’s PhD project, she says: 

“In YoPA, the adolescents will participate as co-researchers throughout the co-creation process. This type of engagement in the design and execution of such interventions serves as a comprehensive educational opportunity for the participating adolescents, encompassing not only insights into physical activity but also an understanding of decision-making processes.” 

In the future, Line hopes to continue her focus on evaluating research conducted for and with adolescents, particularly emphasizing interventions related to physical activity.


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