
How we solved playground problems at Cubitt Town Primary

How we solved playground problems at Cubitt Town Primary

Authors: Whitwam, E. and Robinson, J.


This chapter describes how teachers at this school introduced a ‘Peace Path’ to help children resolve playground conflicts, developed a buddy system pairing older and younger children, and built teaching of emotion vocabulary into their lessons. There is a strong emphasis on oracy. Other aspects of the project are explored, including emotion check-ins, creating a ‘Zen Zone’; where children could go to calm themselves, and work with Play Leaders (lunchtime supervisors).


The outcomes of the work are described and lessons drawn out, including the need to gather qualitative pupil voice and use that to address real issues in PSHE sessions, the value of peer support, and the need to set aside time each week to address social and emotional needs. The goal should be to create a culture of children who feel safe to share emotions and develop their knowledge about how to look after their mental health.

Improving Behaviour and Wellbeing in Primary Schools: Harnessing Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom and Beyond